Archive for May 18, 2010

Game of Nonchalance

Posted in Randomness, Thoughts on May 18, 2010 by shaklar

If you are in the San Fran area, this might be an exceelent way to explore the city and see parts of it you would not normally see. of Nonchalance

Sheldon loves Ubuntu

Posted in Randomness, Technology on May 18, 2010 by shaklar

I would have thought he would be a user of a hard core operating system like Slackware… But then again his focus in not on computers, so Ubuntu is simple enough for anyone to learn.

Don’t Crash on My Quit! I Quit First

Posted in Randomness, Technology on May 18, 2010 by shaklar

Nothing like a little love for a crashing application, brings back the good old days of Windows failing to shutdown because of the shutdown service stopping it from shutting down


Segway is so 90s

Posted in Randomness, Technology, Thoughts on May 18, 2010 by shaklar

Makes me wonder if the price is reasonable how lazy are Americans?

Google Subsidizing Phone with Advertisments

Posted in Randomness, Technology on May 18, 2010 by shaklar

So the question is would you allow Google to listen in on your calls, and then direct market to you? In return you get a cheaper phone from them.

Google Targeted Ads

Placement Fail

Posted in Randomness on May 18, 2010 by shaklar

Ah the creativity of youth.

Placement Fail