Archive for May 17, 2010

40 Cents a Day

Posted in Randomness, Thoughts on May 17, 2010 by shaklar

Many things are like this for the rest of the world. Especially when the majority of the people live on less then two dollars a day. 40 cents can help save a lot of lives:

Marriage Blanket

Posted in Randomness on May 17, 2010 by shaklar

This might work for a lot of people. Hmmm I can think of at least half a dozen people who might want this:

Marriage Blanket

Make Facebook Private

Posted in Randomness, Thoughts on May 17, 2010 by shaklar

Take a look at see what the Internet can see about you from Facebook.

Reclaim Your Facebook Privacy

Think about yourself now

Posted in Randomness, Thoughts on May 17, 2010 by shaklar

Just like the miniature Earth video this makes you think about your perspective on life.

Meeting Money and Time Waster Calculator

Posted in Randomness, Technology on May 17, 2010 by shaklar

I have been to far too many meetings that this would be good at:

Sauerkraut Wrestling

Posted in Randomness on May 17, 2010 by shaklar

I guess different tastes for different people…..