Archive for May 16, 2010

Black Tower: Level 1 Part 3

Posted in Dungeons And Dragons on May 16, 2010 by shaklar

With the children and the party’s new found ally Cassius, the party proceeds to systematically search the first level of the tower.

Phalic feeling confident and smelly, kicks the next door in. Expecting gnolls and seeing gnolls he charges into the room with a mighty GUFFAW. the five gnolls having no where to run prepare for battle. As the last gnoll stands before Phalic cowering, he swings his mighty two handed sword into the beast with such force and vigor that the beast smashes through the wall into the next room.

The gnolls, in the next room are showered with their compatriots parts, look to the wall in horror. With animal like instincts the flee for the door to avoid the whirling onslaught of horror, or the bloodied dwarf Phalic stepping through the door screaming for more blood.

With lightning reflexes, Alathan hurls himself back into the hallway, thrusting his magic short sword into the door crevice a moment before the gnolls attempt to burst through the door. Trapped, they turn to face the squad of death with no other choice. Zalia, lunges forward crushing the skull of the nearest trapped gnoll. Jugsammora swinging her sword, removes the entrails from the other gnoll trapped, while the entire time Phalic laughs loudly at the trapped beasts. Cassius, cursing these foul beasts steps forward thrusting his sword into the heart of the last living gnoll, lifting him off the ground and hurling him across the room while yelling many Elvish curses at the foul beast.

Alathan opening the door to the next room, sees more gnolls sitting at a table. Tristina growing tired of the slow pace, hurls a fireball into the gnolls mess hall. Vaporizing everything in the room. Nothing is left but well done ribs and scorched earth. The party separates to scour the scorched room, when Cassius makes what appears to be a horrid discovery. In the corner behind the far table there appears to the remnants of three rick sacks. What was in these bags, no one is sure…..

The Black Tower: Level 1 Part 2
The Black Tower: Level 1 Part 4

Black Tower: Level 1 Part 2

Posted in Dungeons And Dragons on May 16, 2010 by shaklar

Moving past the bodies, the party moves back into the procession hall. The high ceiling and the pillars glowing faintly from a Faerie Fire spell cast long ago, casts shadows and leaves the party’s blood soaked bodies looking like demons from the Nine plains of Hell looking for vengeance.

The party passes on climbing the stairs up in the procession hall, or down from the foyer. But rather they look to purge the first level of this evil tower, before continuing systematically through the tower floors. Passing through the procession hall the party runs across a locked door to the left.

Jugsammora, making quick work of the lock pops into the room cautiously. The party, has found the armory of the army that is amassing, finding scores of pikes, battle axes, two-handed swords, morning stars, and long swords. Phalic “The Stout” loads his back with as many weapons as possible, muttering, “human weapons break far too often and fast…..” The party destroys the weapons, in hopes of setting the army’s movement times back. Allowing the dwarven towns to the south more time to prepare for war.

Proceeding north the party, knowing no other way begins to kick in doors searching for children, evil, loot, and treasure. Door after door holds gnolls, which are systematically slaughtered. Zalia, noticing large potato sacks in the back of the rooms squirming, sees that the sacks have small children in them. The party finding the first few children from the town, begin to search each room more cautiously for the towns children.

Three doors into the hallway the party runs into thirteen gnolls, with a large ruck sack and several small onces behind them. Launching into battle the party begins to execute the gnolls. Tristina seeing the ultimate opportunity spews webs forth from her hand, then greases the room threatening to burn them all alive. the gnolls succumb to the threat and are eliminated. The party frees the children, and comes to an Elf, who greets then as Cassius Clay, destroyer of all gnolls. His brief tale recaps his entrance into the tower, looking to slaughter all the gnolls, who have taken his sister in a raid on his small village.

and so the party grows stronger, searching for the village children, the source of the evil, and to destroy all the gnolls, in hopes of finding Cassius’s sister.

The Black Tower: Level 1 Part 1
The Black Tower: Level 1 Part 3

Feed Me Rainbows!

Posted in Randomness on May 16, 2010 by shaklar

Let you decide for yourself.

Feed Me Rainbows

Black Tower: Level 1 Part 1

Posted in Dungeons And Dragons on May 16, 2010 by shaklar

Lying at the steps bounds, and reeking of urine Phalic gives the all clear. Little does the party know they are walking into a room with a dozen gnolls, staring at the bound stench ridden dwarf in shock. For who would assault the tower, through the front door?

The party steps into the room confidently, standing in the entrance to the tower, taking in the site. The tower entrance has seen many battle and the walls, ceiling and floor tell the tale, caked in dried blood, gauges from weapons, and bones strewn about the dimly light room. In shock the look to the end of the entrance staring at 4 Gnolls, who appear to have finally reacted to the situation, weapons drawn and charging across the 30′ room in anger. The ensuing battle is neither elegant or pretty, with Zalia standing over Phalic’s bound body, ripping the last gnoll’s head off with a well executed strike from her morning star.

The party deciding that leaving a member bound, will do no good. Finally unties the dwarf Phalic who’s only uttering are a slight chuckle and, “If you can drink ram’s piss you…” trailing off into a inside joke with himself.
Alathan and Phalic look at each and agree they must for the greater good of the gold coin, find the source of the evil and free as many children as possible.

Systematically moving through the rooms, the party destroys, slays, and pillages anything they find in the tower. Sweeping to the left, they find a small room with female gnoll and her pups tending to some sort of stew. With a shriek the gnoll pups flee to the door behind the mother. Protecting her young she kicks over the boiling pot and begins hurling animal parts at the party. The party shocked at the mother’s protective instinct stand before her, one second too long. Bursting through the door behind the mother the gnoll father, guards, and shamans coming bursting through.

Tristina hurling magic missiles at the monsters, while Alathan and Jugsammora leap into battle using the shadows, and dim light to their advantage begin slicing and dicing. Phalic seeking to purge his soul of some of the rage, puts his head down and hurls himself with his bastard sword drawn at the nearest best. Zalia enters combat slowly and methodically, executing any gnoll within range, like a seasoned warrior. Drawing the strength of her patron deity, allowing her deity to channel and smite all who stand in her way. Within minutes the room is reduced to a pile of bodies, soaked in blood.

Gathering the loot that can be found the party moves on in search of children, loot, and evil doers.

The Black Tower: Entrance
The Black Tower: Level 1 Part 2

Black Tower: 05/15/2010 Level 1 Map

Posted in Dungeons And Dragons on May 16, 2010 by shaklar

It seems this time around, people were not following locations, so I have added the map to my blog.
I will print copies for everyone so you can all follow along next time. Let me know if you have any other improvement ideas.