Archive for May 12, 2010

The Black Tower: Lowlands

Posted in Dungeons And Dragons on May 12, 2010 by shaklar

Alathan “Rat Face” leads his rag tag band of adventurers off to the aid of the small town of Kerava. Fees worked out, gear prepared, and most of all bags full of Dwarven Ale, Rum, and Elven Wine for the long trek throw the wintry hills, forest, and finally the Black Tower. The joking and laughing continues on the low lying hills, as the sun breaks through the cloud cover for a moment everyone basks in the sun.

Swooping down screeching a large lion/eagle beast grabs Alathan with his razor sharp claws. As the griffon begins to lift the party leader out, Alathan slips through the claws dropping to the ground, rolling to safety and in the same instant drawing his weapon. The party draws weapons and begins to fight the hunger starved beast. Zalia approaches the beast with a small morsel of beef jerky. With soothing words of, “Be my friend, take this food. Relax and be at peace my friend.” The beast slows its approach and thrashing. appearing to calm as the griffon reaches Zalia it lashes out trying to swallow her whole. The party leaps forward smashing, piercing, and rending the flesh and best until it is deemed dead.

Moving onward the weather grows worse, the snowstorm reduces visibility to almost nothing. As the storm lets up the party, having only traveled a few miles in the arduous hours of walking sees twenty forms approaching in the weather. With the gnoll raiding parties see throughout the area, the group sinks into the snow silently, camouflaging their position and prepares for a battle. The forms grow closer, and closer in the storm as the party prepares to unleash their fury on the offenders, they realize these humanoids are not enemies but rather refugees seeking safety and shelter from the oncoming blizzard, monsters, and beasts roaming these lands. They speak of gnoll war parties over taking their peaceful farming town, and using this as a base of operations to the northeast.

The rag tag band of adventures agrees to divert their attention to helping these poor farmers and peasants reach the town of Skalkegard…

The Black Tower: Prologue
The Black Tower: Skalkegard

The Black Tower: Prologue

Posted in Dungeons And Dragons on May 12, 2010 by shaklar

After rescuing the small village of Zheristk from undead beings gathering in the Foothills of the Field of Death, the party decided to travel up the coast, enjoy the scenery, and take a needed rest. Counting the riches and reaping the rewards of their escapades, the party stops in the small town of Kerava also known as the Land of Song. Winter slowly begins to set in as the party relaxes in the small quaint village, making travel treacherous and taxing, which are exactly the opposite of the rest and relaxation everyone needs. The party lead by Alathan “Rat Face” decides to relax for the winter in this quaint town for the winter.

Smaller lesser known groups of adventures begin to pool in the Inn for a warm fire and dwarven ale to take the winter chill out of their bones. Winter sets and darkness creeps forth from the mountain passes. Dark disturbing rumors begin to circulate about her Dark Majesty trying to reclaim the Black Tower, reentering this world for another assault on the dwarven strong holds of Firehammer and Thunderstone. Whispers in hushed voices begin to float through out the entire tavern of an army amassing in the mountains.

Then the winter grows darker, colder, and more treachorous. Towns folk begin to disappear in the darkness of night, leaving an empty house and a confused, worried, and scared family behind. The towns folk begin to fear the night and flee to their houses at the first sign of sunset. Then in the heart of winter, evil comes forth from the hills and forests. Monsters grow more ambitious and daring coming down from the hills and mountain of Trevara, venturing into town at night stealing cattle, horses, chickens, and anyone who is caught out alone and unarmed. Gnoll raiding parties turn to war parties venturing ever closer to town.

The howling begins at night, large forms streaking through the moonlight hunting wild life, cattle, and family pets left out for the night.

The lord of this small area has reached his breaking point, all the adventurers holed up in the Inn are summoned to his chambers immediately….

Great Rewards
Tales for the Kids
and Death Await You.

The Black Tower: Low Lands

FiOS Bringng Television to the Computer

Posted in Technology on May 12, 2010 by shaklar

A little something on Verizon bringing TBS and TNT to your computer. I do not watch much TV but I might watch a little more now.

Total Recall: The Musical

Posted in Movies and Television, Randomness on May 12, 2010 by shaklar

What can you say about this:

Maybe some 2.5 Dimension Shelves

Posted in Randomness on May 12, 2010 by shaklar

All I can think is my drunk friends walking in and seeing these sitting on the wall. Wondering how in the hell they got like this:

Second and a Half Dimension Shelves

Another Optical Illusion

Posted in Randomness on May 12, 2010 by shaklar

After the article on different optical illusions I thought this one was interesting:

Fun way to mess with people.