Archive for May 9, 2010

Great Marketing

Posted in Randomness on May 9, 2010 by shaklar

I will give the WonderBra props for making this Bra advertisement. Just click and zoom in as much as you want.

WonderBra D to G


Posted in Randomness on May 9, 2010 by shaklar

The first arm of the robotic army has been created. They will be the size of ants firing cannons like this. Seems to me that the small projectile would be hard to aim outside with wind being a factor.

Computers and Phones have come so far

Posted in Technology on May 9, 2010 by shaklar

Wow, I remember playing with the cube for hours when I first got it. To see a phone solve the problem in such a fast time it makes me wonder what it will be like in 10 years. You have to see this:

What games to play

Posted in Video Games on May 9, 2010 by shaklar

After World of Warcraft lost my interest I have been struggling with a game to play and socialize in. I have looked at Lords of Ultima and Evony but the time they take was interesting for a few weeks but now seem pointless and a time sink, then again aren’t all games that way.

I got into a FPS Bioshock which was fun for a time, but once I was finished it did not have any replayability in my opinion. I am looking at 40th Day, which does have a multi-player function which could make it interesting. The wife and I are playing Resident Evil 5 also when she and I have time.

I have played through Dragon Ages and the expansion Awakening which were fun but I found that the Mages were just too powerful, I was actually walking around killing things alone just for fun. The ending of the games were descent and not lack luster of disappointing like Fable 2. I have started Final Fantasy 13 and am wondering if it will keep my interest. I have not touched it in over a month and am pondering if I will go back to the game.

I guess I need to decide if games are a thing I want to continue or move on to other things.

SSD in the household

Posted in Technology, Thoughts on May 9, 2010 by shaklar

So finally with school out I have been working through a list of Honey Dos and tinkering projects for myself. After receiving a solid state drive for work a few months back and seeing how large of improvement my laptops boot time was, I decided to take the plunge and get one for myself and wife. The install and deployment of windows 7 (Yes I know…I have to keep it around for my wife and school. 😦 Once they are done, buh bye.) was painless and a lot faster then anticipated. the model I ended up with was the following:

This thing screams, I had Windows 7 Ultimate installed in about 40 minutes. Patched my BIOS even to preparation for upgrading to a 6 Core AMD chip. The wife has now seen that from the time I hit my power button to messing around on the Internet is less then 2 minutes all she can do is complain about how slow her computer is. Unfortunately I am not a fan of doing upgrades with Windows at least during midterms.

Hoping to get a good 3-4 hours alone with her computer soon in order to upgrade the system to windows 7, SSD, and Office 2007. Just need to minimize down time for her during school. I remember how stressed out I was when I got a virii during my semester.

Black Hat to Striped Hat

Posted in Technology, Thoughts on May 9, 2010 by shaklar

I like to follow the big stories and this was one of those stories that hit the headlines and stayed there for a few weeks. Well time has passed the fall out is still coming in. The disturbing part is that our judicial system does not have a deep enough understanding of technology to pass these judgments. If they don’t who does? I have shared code with friends on different subjects and things, even along the lines of trapping packets, would this also land myself in jail?