Archive for May 8, 2010

Dungeons and Dragons taught me all I needed to know

Posted in Dungeons And Dragons, Randomness on May 8, 2010 by shaklar

A classic break down of life, love, and liberty through Dungeons and Dragons. Got to love the story, quest, and plot line here:

First Impressions

Posted in Randomness, Technology on May 8, 2010 by shaklar

Well this is a case of maybe you have triple the number of Engineers check the vehicle before doing a demonstration with the media outlets there watching you. Will we ever truly feel safe letting a machine ensure our safety:

Thats not soap

Posted in Randomness on May 8, 2010 by shaklar

I have to believe that this was at Oktoberfest some other large alcohol related event for someone to try and use the cake as soap. Still excellent for a late night laugh.

Star Wars on Fast Forward

Posted in Movies and Television on May 8, 2010 by shaklar

Nothing like a quick Legos Star Wars movie. All the movies explained in ~2 minutyes got to love kids breaking down the story, into its simplest form.

Drinks for Geeks

Posted in Dungeons And Dragons, Randomness on May 8, 2010 by shaklar

I came across this the other day. It got me thinking that in another week I will be sipping a beer or some Illithid Brain Juice. Got to love a manufacturer that caters to the geeks.

MyJones Custom Labeled Soda

Super 8, or Super Lame

Posted in Movies and Television on May 8, 2010 by shaklar

So JJ Abram and Steven Spielberg have teamed up to make a movie. Grabbed a YouTube of the trailer and I am not so sure this is not just another Cloverfield set in a different time period….